Raised Floor System

Data center environments require the ability to accommodate a large number of data cables, handle high temperatures and be adaptable for future technological and cooling progressions. A Raised Access Floor addresses all of these demands whilst remaining cost effective and enabling a flexible, secure and dependable situation.

We are specialists in the supply and installation of raised access flooring in Nigeria. From the smallest computer room to the largest office building, we offer a full range of raised access flooring systems with dedicated installation teams based throughout Nigeria to ensure every installation runs smoothly.

Our Raised Floors compliment any data center design managing and segregating large volumes of wires, cables, water lines and other distribution systems is complemented with a raised floor. As equipment are updated and technology changes, additional services can be added or relocated without abandonment or structural changes. The build-out of a raised floor can be easily stopped and started for a phased approach.

Our raised floors provide the platform to easily implement any current or future cooling strategy for optimal energy